Psychological First Aid (PFA) is about taking care of yourself-your thoughts, feelings and emotions when you have experienced stress, crisis or trauma- and then being there for family, friends and community when they are having difficulty coping.

Learn how to anticipate stress and crisis whenever possible and equip yourself with the skillset to practice self-care and to provide care for others during particularly challenging times. Unlike mental health first aid, which trains people to help someone during a mental health emergency, Red Cross Psychological First Aid teaches you how to build up resiliency to stress and establish coping strategies for stress and trauma.


Understanding the effects of stress, loss and grief using the Red Cross Look, Listen, Link, Live model. In this course, which more than 6,000 people have completed, learn the effects of stress, loss, and trauma, with an emphasis on building and using a personal self-care plan. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Anyone looking to build personal resiliency to stress.

Price $20 Duration 45-90 minutes


In this course, you learn how to recognize when a person is in distress and how to offer help without judgment or assumptions. More than 5,000 people have completed this course. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Anyone looking to develop the skills to help others cope with stress.

Price $20 Duration 45-90 minutes

Email [email protected] to sign up for the course(s) you want.  

You can pay via credit card by calling 403-618-3954.  You can e-transfer to this email to pay via your bank.