First aid for Kidz!

This course is for younger children. It explains what first aid is and how to call 911. It teaches the child(ren) how to check a person who is not moving after an accident or emergency. He/she learns how to place a victim into the recovery position while waiting for EMS.

Choking is another portion of the program and teaches them how to clear their airway or a siblings. While learning about choking, CPR is covered to clear the airway.

They learn about bleeding how to control it and what shock is. Allergies are covered along with the epi-pen and how to use it.

Broken bones, burns, nose bleeds, and knocked-out teeth are also covered to help the child know what to do.

This is not a certification, but they will receive a certificate after completion.

$45 + GST ($47.25)

 This is not a certification, but they will receive a certificate after completion.

Contact Ruth at 403-618-3954 or email to [email protected] to schedule a course.

Important: To E-transfer